Townwest Sertoma Club
"Service To Mankind"
Volunteers Serving the Tulsa area since 1981
Meetings every Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. 
Meeting location Ollie's Station Restaurant  4070 Southwest Boulevard  Tulsa, OK
Secretary Randy McGoffin

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February 2, 2007 Minutes
Meeting was called to order by Leonard Wood 6:59 a.m.

Invocation was given by Wesley Harmon followed by flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.

John Shiroma was recognized as a guest.
Leonard Wood inducted Addie Harmon into Townwest Sertoma.
Leonard reported that the Board ofDirectors took no official action. Consequently, there would be no report this meeting. Pam Burgess suggested showing a new Sertoma video at next week's meeting. There was a consensus to do so.

Pam Burgess stated that former club member, Tim Hallman, is now available on Wednesday mornings and that he might be interested in being reinstated. She encouraged members who know Tim to give him a call inviting him to return.

Susan Reynolds pointed out that the SHARP report is in the newsletter. She went on to say that the annual SHARP pancake breakfast will be on 28 April. She also stated that Souper Sunday will be on 4 March. The annual event will be held in a different area in the Convention Center and that the price has gone up.

Pam Burgess reported that the Berryhill Serteens have not held a recent meeting but that the Big Brother/Big Sister program is continuing on. Susan Reynolds said that the Junior High Serteens have done Valentine sacks for the vets in the past but that this year they would do that same activity on St. Patrick’s Day instead.

Darla Hall said that the Western Neighbors chili supper was successful.

Leonard Wood encouraged members to put forth an effort to try to recruit people for the club. It was announced that John Autry has been named Principal at Clinton Middle School. Linda Percefull stated that Webster students have completed a video on the Red Fork Main Street -project.

Sue Massey reported that the yard sale committee will meet at 6:30 a.m. on 14 February. Susan Reynolds reminded members that the monthly outing (Valentine Special) would be this Thursday the Knotty Pine restaurant in Sand Springs.

Mike Massey gave an update on the "4500".

Susan Reynolds announced that Al Proo would be doing two book signings for his new book on 10 February at Mardel's (71st & Mingo) and 31 March at Barnes and Nobel (8620 E. 71st).

Drawing was held.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:18 a.m.

July 6, 2005 MINUTES
Meeting was called to order by Joe Dutton 7:12 a.m.
Invocation was given by Roy Heim followed by flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.

Joe Dutton welcomed members present along with guest, John-Mark Griffith. Joe recognized member birthdays and anniversaries for the month. He reminded members of the monthly club outing.

Randy McGoffin reported the following Board actions coming out of the July meeting: 1) Meeting was called to order at 6:37 a.m. Attending were Darla Hall, Susan Boling, Joe Dutton, Randy McGoffin, Maggie Shiroma, and Leonard Wood. Quorum was established. 2) Motion by Leonard Wood to approve the minutes of the 6/1/05 business meeting. Second by Maggie Shiroma. Carried unanimously. 3) Randy McGoffin reported that operating expenditures for June were $750.45 with a balance of $1,568.60. Sponsorship expenditures were $900.00 with a balance of $92.41. Randy announced that statements for FY 06 dues would be disbursed next week. Motion by Darla Hall to approve the Secretary/Treasurer’s Report as presented. Second by Susan Boling. Carried unanimously. 4) Randy McGoffin reviewed the proposed budget for FY 06. He explained the additional sponsorships (4500 Restoration and Heritage Essay Contest), and the need for increases in the club operating costs. It was pointed out that some of the cost of the 4500 Restoration project would be assumed by another entity which resulted in a reduction in that line item amount. Motion by Darla Hall to approve the budget as amended. Second by Leonard Wood. Carried unanimously. 5) Joe Dutton shared with the Board his ownership of a number of candy vending machines the Child Search program. He suggested that we could use the machines to advertise Sertoma and perhaps collect used hearing aids. Joe also mentioned that a connection with a Tulsa hearing aid merchant (Cleartone) had been established, and that this may become a regular source for used hearing aids. Motion by Darla Hall to work out the details for using the vending machines for promoting Sertoma and SHARP. Second by Leonard Wood. Carried unanimously. 6) Leonard Wood initiated conversation about the annual tent sale. He had someone suggest to him that Saturday was not a good garage sale day, that Thursday and Friday are better days. It was also suggested that we needed a location with better access and parking for customers. There was consensus for the club to explore this issue in greater detail in the not too distant future. 7) Meeting was adjourned at 7:03 a.m.

Motion by Wesley Harmon to approve the actions of the Board of Directors as reported. Second by Cliffard Lovell. Carried unanimously.
Roy Heim asked Randy McGoffin if monthly Business Meeting minutes could be e-mailed to him for the purpose of posting on the website. Randy said that could be accomplished. Maggie Shiroma stated that annual sponsorships were listed in the budget, and that the scholarship would be the first sponsorship addressed in the current fiscal year.  Susan Boling said that she and Sue Massey are working on the program responsibilities for the current fiscal year.  It was stated that Mike Massey will be able to attend only one meeting a month due to a change in work schedule.  Susan Boling reported that the SHARP Board will hold a modified meeting this week, that many members are out of pocket for various reasons. She pointed out that there is a SHARP report in the club newsletter.

Mike Taylor announced that legislation was approved by the State Legislature for increased funding for clients. He also stated that one of the SHOP staffers had resigned and that a search for a replacement was on.

Darla Hall said that she will bring a list of Southwest Chamber members to next week’s meeting. She reminded members that sponsorships are the key to making money on this activity. She said that she is going to take brochures to area golf courses. She named several local businesses that have sent in their sponsorship checks.  Roy Heim announced that he has been working on the club website and that he is making progress. He said he would have some new items up soon. Linda Jordan asked if someone could take the club camera and assume photo duties as she did not have the confidence or the skill necessary to do an adequate job. Roy Heim and Cliffard Lovell agreed to assume those responsibilities until some other member could be trained to take over.  Joe Dutton thanked Linda Jordan for her hospitality in hosting the annual fish fry.

Linda Jordan talked about Camp Anytown in Oklahoma. This is a youth camp for high school students. She announced that there were vacancies for this summer’s session, and that some scholarships were still available.  Susan Boling announced that she is in the process of updating the phone tree. She passed one around asking for corrections or additions from members present.   Drawing was held.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 a.m.



6/1/05 MINUTES
Meeting was called to order by Darla Hall 7:12 a.m.
Invocation was given by Darla Hall followed by flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance. Tyler Layton, heritage essay contest winner from Berryhill Public Schools, was introduced. He was accompanied by his mother and father along with his grandmother and grandfather. Darla Hall read Tyler’s essay and then presented him with his cash award of $100.00.

Randy McGoffin reported the following Board actions coming out of the June meeting: 1) Meeting was called to order at 6:43 a.m. Attending were Darla Hall, Wesley Harmon, Linda Jordan, Randy McGoffin, and Leonard Wood. Quorum was established. 2) Motion by Leonard Wood to approve the minutes of the 5/4/05 business meeting. Second by Darla Hall. Carried unanimously. 3) Randy McGoffin reported that operating expenditures for May were $206.98 with a balance of $1,129.96. Sponsorship expenditures were $700.00 with a balance of $100.41. Total cash available is $1,230.37. Randy went on to report that a $325.00 payment was made to the Sertoma Foundation for the individual memberships for thirteen members. Motion by Wesley Harmon to approve the Secretary/Treasurer’s Report as presented. Second by Darla Hall. Carried unanimously. 4) Randy McGoffin pointed out that there would be performances of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center in August, the cast for which will be two-thirds deaf/hearing impaired. It was suggested that one of the performances be considered at a later time for a club outing. 5) Tent Sale - Darla Hall reported that she obtained the tent permit from the City of Tulsa. It was agreed that the club will furnish soft drinks for workers. It was suggested that workers bring plastic bags on Saturday to be used by shoppers. 6) Linda Jordan announced that there would be a sign-up next week for the fish-fry. She is asking members to bring side dishes to the annual event. 7) Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 a.m.

Motion by Leonard Wood to approve the actions of the Board of Directors as reported. Second by Linda Jordan. Carried unanimously.  Wesley Harmon stated that he will contact Travis Hoffstot about his program responsibility next week. Susan Boling reported that paper recycling profits were used to pay for the Serteen end-of-year party at Berryhill Public Schools.  Darla Hall reviewed details of the upcoming tent sale. She encouraged members to bring sale items. The sign-up sheet for Friday and Saturday was circulated among the membership present. 

Mike Massey provided an update on the “4500”, stating that the train was ready to take on a “whole new look” with the upcoming work sessions.
Darla Hall gave an update on the golf tournament. She reported that letters are going out to Southwest Chamber members. She also stated that she and Joe Dutton will be distributing tournament notices to golf courses in the Tulsa area at a time close to the date of the tournament. There was brief discussion about the potential sponsorship of Subway.  Randy McGoffin asked for some member to consider taking on the club photo tasks with the new camera. Linda Jordan volunteered to assume this duty.   Darla Hall distributed new club manuals, one each to Joe Dutton and Randy McGoffin.
Susan Boling pointed out that the SHARP report is in the monthly club bulletin. She also pointed out that there was information in the bulletin about the monthly social.  Drawing was held.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 a.m.

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Last Updated:    Thursday, March 08, 2007